The Meadowlands - In an effort to make conforming with The Meadowlands Out Of Competition (OOC)
testing requirements easier and less expensive, arrangements
have been made for trainers to stable horses coming from outside
the established 150 mile radius in the Vernon Downs barn area for that
period of time.
There will be no charge for stalls and a discounted hotel
rate of $20 per night at the Vernon Downs hotel (which includes free
continental breakfast during the week) will be available to horsemen with
OOC horses.
The Vernon track surface is among the best and qualifiers will be
held on Friday, July 9 for those who need a race.
Trainers will still need to notify Brice or The Meadowlands Racing
Office of the location of their horses beginning Monday, July 3.
To accept this option, please call the Vernon Downs racing office
at (315) 829-6825 or Brice Cote at (609) 558-5062.