Stakes applications are available under the Horsemen Section at
Twelve of the 14 early closing stakes feature a 20 percent reduction in nominating and sustaining fees for 2012. The early closers [with estimated purses and dates of finals] include the $220,000 Arthur J. Cutler Memorial and $200,000 Graduate on May 12; $235,000 Titan Cup on June 30; $350,000 Stanley Dancer Memorial, $275,000 Del Miller Memorial and $300,000 Mistletoe Shalee on July 14; $225,000 Golden Girls on August 17; and $550,000 William R. Haughton Memorial on August 18. Six of the stakes are on the August 4 Hambletonian Day card: the $325,000 US Pacing Championship, $350,000 Sweetheart, $375,000 Merrie Annabelle, the $375,000 Peter Haughton Memorial, the $300,000 Woodrow