LEXINGTON, KY, March 17, 2021 – The National Racing Compact
Board has provided authorization to move forward with the creation of a new
online licensing portal. In partnership with a local web development
company, the National Racing Compact will begin the process of creating a new
web platform during the 2021 calendar year with hopes of a possible fourth
quarter launch. This improved system will allow licensees to apply for a
National Racing License, add and pay for new states, and manage their existing
National Racing License.
Outside of the one-time fingerprint requirement, the new
system will automate the entire process and make managing and paying for state
racing licenses fast and streamlined.
The National Racing Compact is a national licensing program
that was formed in 2000 and is accepted in 26 jurisdictions which include
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska,
New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia,
Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The purpose of the Compact is to ease
the regulatory burden for qualifying licensees who race in multiple states. For
additional information about the National Racing Compact and the benefits to
both regulatory jurisdictions and licensed participants, please visit www.racinglicense.com.